Technorati Authority Number Now Decides Blog Rankings
On Friday, I noticed that Technorati instituted a new change in how they report info about blogs they track. Previously, they displayed the total number of inlinks from the total number of blogs linking to a blog. For example, they’d state “__ blogs link here” and “X links from Y blogs”. They now only state the total number of blogs that link to a blog, and they’re calling that measure the “Technorati Authority” number.
Technorati only counts the total number of blogs which link to another blog for the Authority number, not the total number of links – which is good, since various blog features like categorization pages, preview snippets, and other pagination and navigation schemes common to blogs can cause a link from a single posting to reappear multiple times from a blog’s site.
The “Technorati Authority” label is appropriate, because in the blogosphere, the blogs which have the most citations by other bloggers are likely the most “authoritative” or most-popular. It’s a unique, blogocentric rating system, very similar to Google’s PageRank concept.
Blogs which have the highest Authority numbers are ranked highest. The Technorati Top 100 page lists the most-popular blogs.
These are the top 10 blogs they list currently:
The Huffington Post Breaking News & Opinion
Lifehacker, The Productivity and Software Guide
I should note that Technorati does not count links that are tagged with the NOFOLLOW attribute, nor do they count the links found in comments, nor links generated from Trackback comment (I’ve previously advised against use of Trackback Submitter for the use of deploying spamlinks, though I think restrained use of it to hook up related articles is not a bad thing).
If you’ve got a blog, you should register it with Technorati, since it’s one of the many ways that people can search and find blog postings about subjects they’re interested in. Also, it’s pretty cool for quickly seeing how many people are linking to you or commenting about your postings.
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 05/08/2007
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Filed under: Blog Optimization, Link Building Blog Optimization, Blog-Rank, BlogRank, nofollow, Technorati, trackback-submitter
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