Relationship Between Link Growth And Indexation
With every passing day, the number of websites and hence the number of web pages are growing at an explosive rate on the internet. This can cause a major headache to the search engines as they gear up to meet the challenge of crawling and subsequently indexing the new sites popping up everywhere in the cybersphere.
Today, when a new web site is launched, it will take a while before its pages get crawled and indexed in Google. With the increasing strain on hardware and resources due to the rapid growth of new sites, Google has become very strict in its policy of admitting sites and retaining web pages of sites in its index. It is a case of survival of the fittest in cyberspace.
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Posted by Ravi of Netconcepts Ltd. on 11/29/2009
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Filed under: Link Building, PageRank, Search Engine Optimization, SEO Add new tag, auckland seo firm, baclinks, crawling, directory submission, editorial links, external linking profile, google index, indexation, link growth, link growth patterns, linkbait, linkerati, natural link building, Netconcepts, PageRank, ppc services, search engine optimisation, value of deep links, virtual real estate
Harnessing The Power of Social Media In Business
Social media is an exciting medium offering tonnes of opportunities to you, as a business owner, to engage the masses in your marketing efforts and get great results for your efforts.
It is a double edged sword and if done right, you will glow on the winner’s podium with a great name for your product/service/company in the online space reaping rich inbound links to your site from a multitude of powerful and trusted domains. Done wrong, you could end up a social pariah in cyberspace with a bad reputation and poor record of integrity attached to your name and company’s product/service.
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Posted by Ravi of Netconcepts Ltd. on 06/14/2009
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Filed under: Advertising, Social Media Optimization hubpages, netconcepts new zealand, socail media websites, social media to enhance business, squidoo lenses, trust and integrity, twitter search, virtual real estate, web 2.0 properties