Texas Stadium Demolition Case Study – YouTube Still Tops For Video Promotion
Whenever I know I’ll be near some major spectacle, I try to photograph it or video it. Not only are such events great practice for a search marketer, the content is great for getting links from individuals and from newspapers. So, when I heard about the scheduled Texas Stadium Demolition, I couldn’t resist, even though it was painfully early in the morning (7:00 a.m.).
I’ve written here before on how Flickr introduced videos in order to compete with the popular YouTube. Flickr’s owned by Yahoo, while Google owns YouTube.
Both services have a huge usership, however, (more…)
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 04/11/2010
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Filed under: Image Optimization, SEO, Video Optimization Dallas Cowboys, flickr, image SEO, image-search, Texas Stadium, video search, video seo, videos, YouTube