Antisocial Media Optimization
Techcrunch amused me greatly by mentioning Hatebook, the “anti-social utility that connects you with the people YOU HATE.” If you’re already a member you can “Bog off”, and it invites you to “upload blackmail material”, “publish lies”, and “get the latest gossip from your enemies”. The jokes abound on this antisocial networking site — check out the stuff on the “edit your profile” screen I saw when I signed up:
The site made me stop and think: would it be possible to optimize through antisocial networking? (more…)
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Posted by stephan of stephan on 10/15/2007
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Filed under: Social Media Optimization antisocial, antisocial-media, antisocial-networking, Social Media Optimization, Social-Media, social-networking
Not a Stumble – eBay to Acquire StumbleUpon
In yet another social media acquisition move, eBay has announced today that they’re acquiring StumbleUpon for approximately $75 million.
This closely follows Fox Interactive Media’s acquisition of Photobucket and Flektor along with CBS Interactive’s purchase of and If you recall, Google has purchased YouTube while MySpace is already owned by Fox. Yahoo! has been buying social media types of sites for quite some time now, what with their earlier purchases of Flickr,, and such.
All the exuberance and hefty valuations seem to smack a bit of the over-valuation and acquisition craze just prior to the dot-bomb i-apocolypse. Purchasing a social media web 2.0 site or two just seems so trendy at the moment. These sites have some undeniable amounts of traffic and associated marketshare, but won’t there eventually have to be a bit of fallout? Won’t users eventually migrate over to a primary dominator in any given type of site?
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 05/30/2007
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Filed under: General, News eBay, Mergers-&-Acquisitions, Social-Media, StumbleUpon
How Web 2.0 Affects SEO Strategy
My colleague, P.J. Fusco just wrote a great article over at ClickZ on How Web 2.0 Affects SEO Strategy. In it, she provides a good overview of what’s good and bad about “Web 2.0” stuff, and how some of the technology involved can challenge the goal of natural search optimization of a website. It’s well worth a read if you’re unfamiliar with these issues.
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 05/23/2007
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Filed under: SEO, technology AJAX, SEO, Social-Media, Web-2.0