Harnessing The Power of Social Media In Business
Social media is an exciting medium offering tonnes of opportunities to you, as a business owner, to engage the masses in your marketing efforts and get great results for your efforts.
It is a double edged sword and if done right, you will glow on the winner’s podium with a great name for your product/service/company in the online space reaping rich inbound links to your site from a multitude of powerful and trusted domains. Done wrong, you could end up a social pariah in cyberspace with a bad reputation and poor record of integrity attached to your name and company’s product/service.
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Posted by Ravi of Netconcepts Ltd. on 06/14/2009
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Filed under: Advertising, Social Media Optimization hubpages, netconcepts new zealand, socail media websites, social media to enhance business, squidoo lenses, trust and integrity, twitter search, virtual real estate, web 2.0 properties