Search Engine Crawling and Indexing Factors
The post today is about getting a site crawled and indexed effectively by the major search engines. It can be frustrating for a site owner to find that her newly built site with bells and whistles is just not appearing on the Google SERPs for a search query relevant to her business.
It is a good idea to have some knowledge of the factors that influence the crawling of a site and its successful indexing before the site ranks on the SERPs. The site can be built in a user friendly way that allows the spiders to know what to crawl and how frequently to crawl.
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Posted by Ravi of Netconcepts Ltd. on 07/05/2009
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Filed under: Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Spiders backlinks, content freshness, crawling factors, domain importance, duplicate-content, external links, Feeds, google-webmaster-tools, increase crawl rate, Links, PageRank, query deserves freshness, search engine crawling, search engine indexing, signals, supplemental index, technical factors, unique content
Blog Tag – You’re It!
Okay, so, I’m late to the Blogtag game, but better late than never, right? I’m not sure who came up with this, but the idea behind the game is that you have to tell 5 things about yourself that most of your readers might not know, and then “tag” five other bloggers by linking to them. Stephan tagged me back around Christmas timeframe, and I was so busy vacationing, and then getting back into work-groove that I neglected to play out my piece in this cool little SEO meme. So, here goes.
Five Things You Didn’t Know About Me:
1. – I’m fascinated by the Voynich Manuscript. It’s compelling to me as an enduring mystery — likely one of the top seven mysteries in the modern world. Many cryptographers and linguists have attempted to decode it, and failed! If I thought it was more than an antique hoax, I’d be writing my own Perl scripts to try to break the code down. My first decoding book was written by Martin Gardner, and I used what I learned from it in third grade to break a coded message I found in my great-great-grandmother’s autograph book. I guess the takeaway is that I’m just damn compelled by puzzles. I used to compete with people in high school to see who was the fastest at solving mixed-up Rubik’s Cubes. I think my record was right around 42 seconds. (I’m not that fast anymore, but I’m obviously still a geek.)
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 02/16/2007
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Filed under: Blog Optimization, General, Link Building blog-tag, Link Building, linkbait, Links
Fishing for “link love” with “link bait”
Yum…. Link Bait.
I agree with Eric Ward: the phrase “link bait” just sounds UGLY.
But the technique works. Who can resist linking to the uproariously funny “The top 10 unintentionally worst company URLs“. Apparently I can’t, because I just did!
One of my favorite “link bait” morsels of late has been this how-to post about link baiting, by the inimitable Rand Fishkin. Go and gobble it up!
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Posted by stephan of stephan on 07/30/2006
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Filed under: Link Building Link Building, link-bait, Links