Inbound Deep Links Benefit Page Rank Distribution Sitewide
Many a time, you would have come across sites (especially the large ones) where the deeper you dig into the site hierarchy, you can see the Pagerank toolbar grayed out or having a value 0. In general, the home page is the starting point for a website and it accrues the maximum Page rank.
The entire domain’s authority and trust is reflected by this page rank value. The home page then tends to distribute this page rank to the first level (categories), the second level (sub-categories) and the third level product pages which we often refer to as link juice. In general, the first level pages tend to derive the maximum link juice from the home page. But in a site with excessive number of sub-categories and product pages (money pages), the pagerank distribution is not proportional with some gaining link juice and a large majority not gaining any.
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Posted by Ravi of Netconcepts Ltd. on 11/15/2009
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Filed under: Link Building, PageRank, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Site Structure auckland search engine marketing, categories and sub-categories, decent internal link juice flow, domain authority, domain trust, google index, great internal link juice flow, inbound deep links, internal link juice flow, internal linking architecture, marginal internal link juice flow, Netconcepts, page rank distribution, pagerank sculpting, pagerank threshold, ppc services, product pages
Search Engine Ranking Factors in 2009
Recently, SEOmoz released a fantastic biennial search engine rankings report. Every two years, SEOmoz interviews the top 100 minds in the SEO industry. This time, they have gathered data from the top 72 SEO professionals to give a clear idea of how the search engines rank documents.
This aggregate data gives any SEO professional the key factors that Google uses when it comes to ranking sites on the SERPs. It is a thoroughly interesting read and will assist all SEO professionals be it a beginner or an advanced level practitioner.
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Posted by Ravi of Netconcepts Ltd. on 08/31/2009
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