Googledance 2008
The Googledance party was held last night at the Googleplex for SES Conference attendees, and it lived up to its traditional party-on-a-grand-scale reputation for which it has become known.
The theme this year was “Glow in the Dark”, and they gave out t-shirts which flouresced nicely under blacklights, and those endothermic glow sticks that can be linked up for bracelets or necklaces. In one area was a large Lite Brite station that allowed party-goers to make colorful messages or illustrations of their choosing with the translucent pegs.
One really cool entertainment was the “Glow Graffiti” – they had set up a couple of different stations to allow the crowd to do digital graffiti — using laser pointers to write on the sides of a couple of buildings. A camera tracks where one drags the laser pointer beam on the wall’s surface, then a computer captures the trajectories and redisplays the lines drawn back onto the wall continuously with a projector. In this way, one can draw all over the side of a building with light.
“Google” tagged in digital graffiti on side of building
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 08/20/2008
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Filed under: Conferences, Google Digital Graffiti, Google, Googledance, graffiti, guerrilla marketing
Great Material For In-House SEOs
I’ll be giving a presentation at the upcoming Search Engine Strategies “SES” San Jose conference on “How to Speak Geek: Working Collaboratively With Your IT Department to Get Stuff Done“.
Search Engine Strategies Conference
This promises to be a great session, and I have some cool tips to impart on how to effectively communicate with one’s technology department staff in order to break down barriers, cut through red tape, and get changes deployed to bang up site traffic. (more…)
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 08/05/2008
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Filed under: Conferences, General, Marketing, Seminars Conferences, Googledance, search-engine-strategies, ses
Google Dance
Here are some of my pix from the Google Dance last week.
Google Dance 2007 logo & party invite
Google Dance, if you don’t know, is humorously named after “Googledance” a colloquialistic term used by webmasters to describe how the Google search results used to sort of “dance around” for a few days during major PageRank or indexing updates. Google re-co-opted the term, if that’s the right word, and use “Google Dance” to refer to the annual party they throw for search engine marketing experts attending the Search Engine Strategies (“SES”) Conference every year.
Click through to see more pics from Google Dance as well as some from the SES Conference. (more…)
Possible Related Posts
Posted by Chris of Silvery on 08/27/2007
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Filed under: Conferences, Google Google, Google-Dance, Googledance, SES-Conference