Natural Search Blog

Google framing their arch-rival

at the way Google opens Yahoo’s stock quote page in a frame with Google’s logo in the top left.

Admittedly they also provide links to, MSN MoneyCentral, etc.

And they probably have some sort of agreement that they are allowed to do it. However, this is what people used to do in the late 90’s to cash in on other people’s content.

Nice that nothing really changes.

Caveat Emptor (Bidder Beware) – Google AdWords contextual ads gone wrong

Google’s contextual advertising technology that they picked up with the Applied Semantics acquisition isn’t flawless. It’s not always in the best light that your brand gets displayed within sites subscribing to the Google AdSense program. Take for instance the case where a web page featuring a story about a hacked up body in a suitcase displays a Google AdWords ad for luggage, as described in this Fast Company article. Or the also embarrassing but less gruesome example I came across on Robin Good’s website recently, as shown below:

contextual ad gone wrong

Bottom-feeding email marketing solution, anyone? 😉

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Googling Searching – my part 2 now on MarketingProfs

Part 2 in my 4 part series on Google power searching has just been released on This installment covers the range of advanced search operators, including site:, filetype:, inurl:, intitle:, cache:, info:, etc. and their application.
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The end for Google bombing?

Reports are coming in that “Google bombing” doesn’t really work any more. Specifically, the theory is that now at least one of the words in the hyperlink text has to appear on the page being linked to, for the Google bomb to still be effective. But if that’s the case, why is George W. Bush’s bio page on still #1 for “miserable failure” in Google? I scoured his page for the word “miserable” and the word “failure” and found neither one! 😉 Look here and you’ll see that Google couldn’t find the words either.

In any event, do bear in mind that focusing all your search optimization efforts on offpage factors and neglecting the onpage factors as well won’t bode well for your Google positions, I’m sure of that. And if you’ve hired an SEO firm that’s overly focused on the linkbuilding and not giving any attention to fixing your website’s search engine unfriendliness, you should probably reevaluate your decision.


Looking up historical PageRank scores

Ever wonder how your home page’s Google PageRank score has changed over the past couple years in comparison to your competitors? There’s a way to go back in time and check, assuming you’ve been listed in the Google Directory for a while. Just use the Wayback Machine and dig up archived versions of your category page in the Google Directory. For example, if your site is listed under Shopping: General Merchandise: Major Retailers, simply type into the Wayback Machine the URL “ Top/Shopping/General_Merchandise/Major_Retailers/” (view the archives of this page here). This isn’t just useful for checking the actual PageRank scores. Since the sites listed on the Google Directory are sorted by PageRank score, you can also review your movement relative to the other sites in your category for smaller incremental PageRank changes. For example, did your site climb to the 5th position in that category even though your integer score didn’t change?

Don’t rely on the Internet Archive to capture these Google Directory pages with any sort of regularity. Going into the future, you should ideally be monitoring and recording the PageRank scores of you and your competitors on a regular basis.

Google’s Gmail servers down

I guess it can happen to the best of us.

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