About: Netconcepts Ltd.
- Website
- http://www.netconcepts.co.nz
- Profile
- Ravi has been a search marketing specialist for 9 years and has worked on websites across a rage of industries in Brisbane, Australia and in Auckland, New Zealand. Ravi moved to New Zealand in early 2007 to take charge of the online marketing operations for a leading car rental company. He has since consulted clients from the agency side and has been the SEO Manager for a New Zealand online travel portal before moving to Netconcepts in the capacity of Senior Search Marketing Consultant. Ravi has a strong grasp of the finer nuances of online marketing in both organic and paid search. He is particularly focused on blogging and social media optimisation. Ravi sees the future of the web as inextricably woven with gadgets and applicances (mobile telephony in particular) and this is a field that interests him immensely.
Posts by Netconcepts Ltd.:
- SEO Best Practices – Correlation Testing, 28 Jun 2009 in Best Practices&Search Engine Optimization
- PageRank Sculpting – The Nofollow Debate, 21 Jun 2009 in PageRank&Search Engine Optimization&SEO
- Harnessing The Power of Social Media In Business, 14 Jun 2009 in Advertising&Social Media Optimization
- Google Wave – Online Collaboration And Communication Revolution, 07 Jun 2009 in Search Engine Optimization&technology&Tools
- Power Searching With Google’s New Search Options Feature, 27 May 2009 in Search Engine Optimization
- Google Supports Microformats, Rolls Out Rich Snippets, 27 May 2009 in General&Search Engine Optimization