Dallas Wordcamp 2008 Followup
I spoke at Wordcamp here in the Dallas area (in Frisco, actually) this past weekend, and had a great time meeting the participants. I spoke on SEO for Bloggers, and provided a number of tips on building a blog’s traffic and promotion of blogs. Many of the tips were material that I’ve learned from Netconcepts’ company president, Stephan Spencer, and others in our company.
WordPress is probably the best blogging platform around in terms of search engine optimization features, both built-in and available through plug-ins. Netconcepts sets up highly-optimized blogs for many of our clients and we even recommend setting up entire websites on WordPress due to the ability to easily delegate editing functions among many employees as well as for the SEO potential. Our Netconcepts and GravityStream websites are both set up on WordPress, for example.
One question someone asked during my session which I didn’t know the answer to was whether our SEO Title Tag Plug-in works on the new version of WordPress (with built in wp tags) and the answer is yes – it has been updated to work with wp built in tags and tested on 2.3- not tested on 2.5 yet. (Thanks to Kerry Mann for helping me answer this one.)
Finally, here is a copy of the presentation I gave that a number of attendees have requested.
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 04/01/2008
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Filed under: Blog Optimization, Conferences blog promotion, blog search engine optimization, blog seo, WordPress
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