Attending the 2006 Search Engine Strategies Conference in San Jose?
I’ll be attending the Search Engine Strategies Conference in San Jose next week. Drop me a line if you’d like to meet me during the conference!
There are a handful of sessions I’m interested in sitting in on, and I’m looking forward to having dinner one night with some of my old friends from college who work in Silicon Valley.
Some of you may be interested to know that Stephan Spencer is scheduled to appear on a panel on Blog & Feed Search SEO, though I’m thinking I’ll have to miss that in order to attend the simultaneous session on Duplicate Content and Multiple Site Issue. Sorry, Stephan! 😉
I have attended a similar session, though, back in the spring, and it’s well worth it for folx who want to learn optimizing for blogs. Rick Klau of FeedBurner also spoke then, and is scheduled for this one, too — did you know that you can use FeedBurner’s service to track the traffic from your blog’s RSS? They also apparently provide promotion and distribution services as well. After Technorati, and Automattic, FeedBurner’s likely the top coolest business spawned by the explosion of blogs out there (and in the interest of disclosure, no, I’m not currently using FeedBurner, it’s just my opinion that they’ve got a cool niche biz model that I think is bound to be successful).
I noticed that USAToday just posted an article about Danny Sullivan tonight. Interesting, though I’d think he might find it uncomfortable how they exposed the name of the village in England where he’s living — one’s personal home address seems way too much info to be posting publicly, if you’re anything close to a public figure. The article’s otherwise pretty straightforward, for any of us who already knew the history of, and Danny.
The article states that launched in 1996, which I didn’t know. I must be one of the earlier readers of the site, in that case. I also didn’t realize that he sold the site in about one year flat, though I do remember reading his posting about it at the time.
I’ve attended the SES conferences for quite some time as well, and it’s really been fun to watch the rapid growth! I used to be one of the few attendees from Verizon, along with one or two researchers from our Verizon Laboratories facility, and now our company tends to send a small herd of people to man our exhibit display, discuss potential partnerships, and attend sessions. And the conference itself has grown so large that it threatens to overflow the venues in San Jose and New York!
Anyway, drop me a line if you want to meet up.
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Posted by Chris of Silvery on 08/02/2006
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Filed under: Blog Optimization, Conferences, General, News danny-sullivan, feedburner, RSS, search-engine-strategies, search-engines, ses
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