Lycos in the Search Engine Optimization business?
I had a chuckle when I read this: “Lycos’ Site Side Optimization services” A small-time search engine is now a self-appointed search engine optimization specialist, and here’s the best bit:
Your optimized site is regularly submitted to the free submit at major search engines for indexing.
Regular submissions ensure your site is spidered often by the search engines which results in refreshed content and improved rankings.
Wait a minute here; sites with reasonable links pointing to them never need to submit, and certainly they never need to re-submit! Search engines in actuality don’t like you to resubmit sites they already know about. The majority of sites that “regularly submit” tend to be spam and porn. I can’t remember us submitting a single site to a major search engine in years. and we launch lots of sites all the time. Every one of these sites gets crawled by all the important search engines within days of us placing a link on our home page to the newly launched site.
There must be better ideas for making some money out there, Lycos!
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Posted by stephan of stephan on 11/24/2004
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